  • Xavier Mallol

    CEO & founder | Delectatech
    Xavier Mallol


    CEO and founder of Delectatech, the startup that is revolutionizing the Food Service through Deep Learning. An engineer by training and entrepreneur by passion, he collaborates as a speaker at ESIC or IQS.


    Talk | Auditorium - BWW HUB

    The AI revolution in the world of wine: how massive wine list analysis can impact wineries and distributors

    Xavier Mallol
    Xavier Mallol Delectatech CEO & founder

    05-02-2025 15:00 05-02-2025 15:45 Europe/Madrid The AI revolution in the world of wine: how massive wine list analysis can impact wineries and distributors

    Delectatech has developed the first Artificial Intelligence-based system capable of reading, digitizing, and analyzing restaurant wine lists in Spain on a massive scale, revolutionizing the way the wine sector is analyzed.

    Xavier Mallol, CEO and founder of Delectatech, will share the key features of this new system called WineRadar and will publicly present the first data from this analysis, as well as the main wine trends in the Spanish restaurant industry.

    Hall 8 - Auditorio
    Wed 5 15:00h - 15:45h Auditorio Free