  • Ton Mata

    CEO and President | Recaredo and Corpinnat
    Ton Mata


    Ton Mata is the CEO of Recaredo and belongs to the third generation of this family of winegrowers who founded this Penedès winery in 1924.


    Tasting - Presentation | Sala Príncipe - BWW HUB

    The Unique Feature of Bottling with Cork

    Jaume Gramona
    Jaume Gramona Gramona President
    Ton Mata
    Ton Mata Recaredo and Corpinnat CEO and President
    Joan J. Puig
    Joan J. Puig Francisco Oller SA General Manager
    Margarida Matas
    Margarida Matas TESA Cork Director

    03-02-2025 18:00 03-02-2025 19:00 Europe/Madrid The Unique Feature of Bottling with Cork

    We explore a growing trend: the use of cork stoppers in sparkling wine bottling.

    A recent research project driven by the wineries Gramona and Recaredo, along with cork manufacturers Francisco Oller and TESA, and supported by the Catalan Cork Institute Foundation, the Catalan Institute of Vine and Wine, and the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology, has demonstrated that sparkling wines undergoing secondary fermentation with cork achieve a distinctive physical and sensory profile and are also more highly valued by consumers.

    We will see the first results of the project by tasting 4 sparkling wines.

    Hall 8 - Sala Príncipe
    Mon 3 18:00h - 19:00h Sala Príncipe Free
    Tasting - Presentation | Sala Príncipe - BWW HUB

    Corpinnat +100 months: Exploring the limits of aging

    Ton Mata
    Ton Mata Recaredo and Corpinnat CEO and President
    Xavier Nadal
    Xavier Nadal Corpinnat Vice President

    03-02-2025 12:00 03-02-2025 13:00 Europe/Madrid Corpinnat +100 months: Exploring the limits of aging

    Extended aging periods are one of the distinctive characteristics of Corpinnat sparkling wines. From the heart of the Penedès, we offer you a tour of 9 Corpinnat sparkling wines, all of them with more than 100 months of aging. A unique tasting led by Ton Mata and Xavier Nadal, president and vice president, respectively, of the Corpinnat collective brand.

    Corpinnat to be tasted:

    Huguet de Can Feixes Reserva Brut Nature 2015 (Magnum) 

    Gramona III Lustros 2014 (Magnum)

    Júlia Bernet Maria Bernet 2014

    Gran Torelló Grans Anyades 2013

    Llopart Original 1887 Enoteca Familiar 2010

    Can Descregut Antologia, Memòria 2009

    Sabaté i Coca Reserva Familiar 2008 (Magnum)

    Recaredo Serral del Vell 2006 

    Nadal RNG10 Brut Nature 2004

    Tickets available at:

    Hall 8 - Sala Príncipe
    Mon 3 12:00h - 13:00h Sala Príncipe 100€
    Round table | Speakers' Corner by AECOC - BWW HUB

    How has wine prescription evolved?

    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer
    Margalida Ripoll Ferrer Revista Arrels Journalist Moderator
    Carlos González
    Carlos González Guía Peñín Director
    Santi Rivas
    Santi Rivas Colectivo Decantado Wine critic
    Ton Mata
    Ton Mata Recaredo and Corpinnat CEO and President

    04-02-2025 11:00 04-02-2025 11:45 Europe/Madrid How has wine prescription evolved?

    Only 15 years ago, social media had not become popular and wine recommendations were made through the specialized press, professional guides and blind tasting contests. They were few and had an extreme influence. A good score could be decisive for a winery and was very important for positioning itself in the market. Now there are more specialized media, more contests and more rankings that coexist with prescribers with their own channels on social networks. What effect does the atomization of the prescription have on the consumer? And on the wineries? Is it still decisive to appear in guides, win contests, etc?

    Hall 1 - Speakers' Corner by AECOC
    Tue 4 11:00h - 11:45h Speakers' Corner by AECOC Free