  • Beatriz López

    Manager and founder | Reyna de Copas
    Beatriz López


    She began her career as a specialized tourist guide in Navarra. She is currently manager of Enozentrum (Navarra Wine Culture Center) and founder and owner of her most personal project, Reyna de Copas, wine bar&tours.


    Tasting - Presentation | Sala Príncipe - BWW HUB

    Navarra, the freshness and authenticity of Northern Spain

    David Palacios
    David Palacios Consejo Regulador D.O. Navarra President
    José Mari Jiménez Cambra
    José Mari Jiménez Cambra Marisol Catering y Eventos Chef and owner
    Beatriz López
    Beatriz López Reyna de Copas Manager and founder

    05-02-2025 13:30 05-02-2025 14:30 Europe/Madrid Navarra, the freshness and authenticity of Northern Spain

    Immerse yourself in an oenogastrotourism tasting that combines tradition, passion and the soul of a unique region. A sensory journey featuring the freshness and authenticity of D.O. Navarra wines, paired with pintxos made with local products and a selection of amazing tourist destinations. 


    The activity requires prior  registration at

    Hall 8 - Sala Príncipe
    Wed 5 13:30h - 14:30h Sala Príncipe Under prior registration